One of the few ways in which I follow my parent’s method of bringing up children is in training Little Miss to notice that not everything I say to her is necessarily true. She has become quite good at noticing some of my more outrageous remarks, and her motto is “Never Trust a Mummy!” There is supposed to be an “…or anyone else for that matter”, on the end of that, but we’re still working on it. Anyway, just lately, she has started to overcompensate. She did not believe my statements that the universe would take at least a few billion years to cross in a rocket ship, or the one about the oysters making pearls. I’m actually quite pleased with this development.
So, she’s started to crosscheck things with her Daddy, which is so/so. When I suggested she might have to look things up on the Internet to see if I was telling the truth, she said “but the Internet might be wrong”. Actually, I’m very, very pleased.