- Maths: substractions from maths method and using Petit Professeur; Freres Lyons program: tests for pre-operative thinking and half of first module; made dodecahedron calendar
- Narration: from Le Feuilleton d’Hermes
- Writing: Capital letters in cursive, copywork
- Memory: Reviewed poems, months, days, seasons
- Reading: Mimi Cracra toute l’annee: mars et avril
The Unschooled Stuff
Language Arts
- Blogged about microscope photos and dictated a poem
- Co-read the end of Charlotte aux Fraises, Lou la Brebis
- Read aloud: Lettres de l’ecureuil a la fourmi by Toon Tellegen; Martine au zoo
- Independent reading: Hairy McLary
- Played with geometric blocks
- Snakes and ladders with various rules and dice combinations
- Tangram puzzles
- Independent practice of mental substractions and column additions
- Started learning to use the calculator from her maths book
- Made the cube and tetrahedron from flat shapes out of her maths book, then made them out of magnetic rods
Science/Nature Study
- Lots of birds on our bird feeder, we spent time observing and identifying them
- Sheep’s wool compared to plant fluff under the microscope: she learned how to manipulate the slide table a bit
- Watched Seasonal Seas, David Attenborough
- Did a make your own fossil from a snail shell experiment
- Looked at pictures in a book about bees, then watched In a Beehive on the Magic School Bus
Arts and Craft
- Looked at paintings by Whistler
- Looked at paintings by Caspar David Friedrich, discussed painting media and supports a bit
- Did the warm and cool colours module in GeeArt
- Paper cutout picture based on Matisse
- Drawing with shapes: represented Plune and Grossoleil from Ponti
- Made a very beautiful white mask and snowflakes
- Went to the art museum and sculpture park
- Lots of free drawing
Practical Life
- Planted sunflower seeds
- Began a batch of chocolate truffle
- Piano practice and improvisations
- Lapin Malin CE1
- Pirate game
- Chess
- Swimming class
- Dance class
Out and About
- Ate at an Indian restaurant
- One sleepover and two other afternoons with friends
- Went to the cinema with a friend to see Voyage a Panama
Other stuff
- The evil homeschool inspection: 2 hours of hard work and answering questions for a strange adult
- Post-inspection space out time: watched Harry Potter and Azur et Asmar