Records from July 2008 – June 2009

Books read by Antonia

The Enchanted Wood, Enid Blyton
Lettres de l’ecureuil a la fourmi, Toon Tellegen (trans. into French)
A collection of Rudyard Kipling’s Just So Stories
Ou sont passes les os des squelettes (Magic School Bus 4 in French)
Une belle histoire d’amitie (Mon Petit Poney), French
L’Etrange Palais de Glace, by Mary Pope Osborne (Magic Tree House 27 in French)
The Boxcar Children, by Gertrude Chandler Warner
Don’t Cook Cinderella by Francesca Simon
The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl

Books read aloud

The Tail of Emily Windsnap, Liz Kessler
The Saga of Eric the Viking, Terry Jones
Voyage of the Dawn Treader, C.S. Lewis
L’ecole des chats: le secret de la grotte de cristal, Kim Jin-Kyeong, translated into French from Korean, Vol1, Vol2
La Belle et la Bete, Mme Leprince de Beaumont, French
La reine des fourmis a disparu, Fred Bernard and Francois Roca, French
The Promised One by David Alric
La civilite puerile et honnete, L’Oncle Eugene, French
The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien

Plays and films

St Trinians movies
The Fellowship of the Ring (film)
The Taming of the Shrew, Shakespeare, seen live in the park
Anastasia, Walt Disney version

Stories, legends, history

The Ancient World; The Story of the World Vol 1 by Susan Wise Bauer
Living History; Dr John Haywood
A digital Book of Centuries

Belshazzar’s feast; with painting by Rembrandt
How Parvati won the heart of Siva
St George and the Dragon; painting by Vittore Carpaccio, story from the Golden Legend
Old Man Coyote, Native American stories from various sources
The Fall of Icarus; retelling in association with Breughel’s painting
Town Mouse and Country Mouse; Fables de la Fontaine, Beatrix Potter
Noah’s Ark; Disney and The Animals Came in Two by Two
The French Revolution; The Story of the World, part 4
The Tower of Babel; Children’s Bible and Breughel’s Tower of Babel


A Short History of Nearly Everything, Bill Bryson
Home-made curriculum: The nature of science and its branches, how we learn about the world: the senses, movement, the brain


Suzuki Piano Volume 1
Introduction to note reading from the Children’s Encyclopaedia, Arthur Mee (c. 1920)


Introduction to fencing
Introduction to rowing


Languedoc: Roman waterways at Nimes, hike in the Garrigue, Bambouseraie at Anduze
Charmant Som
Cirque de St Meme
Beach day at Lake Paladru
The desert of Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Summer day camp – 3 days
Camping trip to the Auvergne volcanoes and Vulcania theme park
Hike to Lac Achard, Belledonne, Alps
Day trip to Geneva, beautiful bell-tower of a Reformist church and panorama over the city
Hike and visit of the Caves of Sassenage
Fireworks on Bastille day
The UK, especially Sherwood Forest and seaside around Scarborough

Lifeskills and crafts

Clock from hampa beads
Making a quill from a feather, ink drawings and writing
Shortbreads with icing and candy decorations
Baking and decorating fairy cakes
Nail and string patterns
Small sewing projects


The Game of Life

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